• Ricky, Junior

    Since joining Jing Yee in 2019, I’ve had the opportunity to grow become a better and stronger person. Lion dancing has taught me great values and life skills like discipline, teamwork and problem solving. Now in 2022/23 I can proudly say that I am a member of the Jing Yee Dragon and Lion dance team.

  • Linda, Junior

    I’ve been a part of Jing Yee Lion Dance since I was 14 and I’ve made so many friends and learned so many skills. I always look forward to coming to training with my team every week. It has taught me to work well in a team and have become physically and mentally stronger. Jing Yee Jiayou!

  • June, Senior

    Over the past few years lion dancing has taught me how to become a young leader, guiding our team to be the best version of themselves. Lion dancing has given me the motivation to be discipline in my physical fitness and has pushed me into achieving many goals. I've met many life long friends through lion dancing and consider Jing Yee as my second family.

  • Helen, Senior

    As a leader of Jing Yee Lion Dance, it has taught me to become more patient and allowed me to develop my leadership skills. I am grateful to have given the last 10 years of my life to teach and mentor junior team members the culture and way of lion dancing. It has given me motivation to be more dedicated in my own life.